living richly presents

The 15-Day Life Vision Challenge

Live Your Best Life Now!
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

Discover Your Personal Core Values

Write your awesome label here.

Identify What Makes You Truly Happy

Write your awesome label here.

Create a Compelling Vision for Your Life

Write your awesome label here.

Design and Live Your Best Life

Watch the Launch Episode on YouTube

Write your awesome label here.

Welcome to the 15-Day Life Vision Challenge!

30 minutes a day for 15 days to transform your life.

Write your awesome label here.
Join us on a journey where we dive deep into the heart of truly living a rich and fulfilling life. Imagine unlocking the door to your best self, where every day is a step closer to the life you've always dreamed of.

Featuring inspirational videos, thought-provoking articles, and stunning visuals, think of this challenge as your personal guide. It's the first step on a path to a life brimming with joy and purpose. 

Together, we're going to explore the depths of what really makes you come alive, uncovering the passions that light a fire in your soul and propel you forward.

Get ready to discover the blueprint of your Life Vision—a tailor-made plan that will empower you to craft the life you deserve.

Embark on this life-changing experience with us. Each day contains new insights, discoveries, and endless possibilities for growth. Let's transform your life together, one day at a time.

What Challenge Participants Are Saying

I met a friend tonight and we talked about this program. How I still have a couple of lessons to complete but that it’s changed my viewpoint on so many things; and my approach to my leadership, my parenting, I don’t think I appreciated the core values as a compass until now. I’m very grateful and think this is going to change lives.

- Ashley Lawrence
No matter where you are on your journey, I believe this experience will help!! For me, it shone a light on some areas I didn't even realize were such struggles. It gave me a deeper awareness of what really matters to me and where I need to spend my energy. It also showed me how far I have already come! I can't recommend this challenge enough!

- Kim Maheral
One of the coolest aspects for me has been the feedback and comments from others who have taken the Challenge. Great reminders for me that I'm not alone as I explore some of the core beliefs and values that truly make me tick... If you want to know and understand what you are all about, then plug in and do this work. The rest of the world will be happy you did.

- Don Lachance
The Challenge was a welcome opportunity to reconnect with my true self; to re-explore my core values and to remind myself of the things that lift me up and those that weigh me down... I highly recommend this for anyone who wants to direct their energy into a most worthy cause - their own personal growth. I am better positioned to approach my days with intention after finishing this program and I know I will revisit my values and goals again and again.

- Kerri Stevenson

Are you ready to start the journey?

Watch | Read | Reflect | Transform

Here's What You Get

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